Monday 18 July 2011

Legs a little aching after yesterday's half marathon

I had been planning a speed session on the track down by Sihlcity tonight.  My legs were aching somewhat after the long run yesterday though, so I decided to skip the speed session and go for a gentle jog instead, to try and loosen up the muscles and get rid of some of the lactic acid buildup.

I was glad that I decided to forgo the speed session, as by the end of 8km my legs were saying "can we rest now please, can we rest now please".  Thankfully tomorrow I have a sports massage booked, so by tomorrow night most of the aches and pains will be gone.

I have another lactate test booked for the 11th August to check if there has been some improvement since my last one.  Originally I had booked it on the 8th August, but the weekend prior I am hiking up the Barrhorn in Canton Wallis and apparently that could have affected the outcome of the test.  There is no point doing a test if the results will not be accurate.

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